# IRTCL makefile for MS NMAKE # $Id: makefile,v 1.6 2006-05-01 12:42:44 adam Exp $ # # Log at the end of the file VERSION=1.4.3 ########################################################### ############### Parameters ########################################################### DEBUG=0 # 0 for release, 1 for debug default: all all: dirs irtcl ########################################################### ############### Directories ########################################################### # The current directory is supposed to be something like # ..../IRTCL/Win, everything is relative to that ROOTDIR=.. # The home of IRTCL # TCL include files, libraries, etc. TCLDIR=c:\tcl TCLINCL=$(TCLDIR)\include8.4 TCLLIB=$(TCLDIR)\lib\tclstub84.lib # YAZ include files, libraries, etc. YAZDIR=$(ROOTDIR)\..\YAZ YAZLIB=$(YAZDIR)\lib\yaz.lib YAZINCL=$(YAZDIR)\include # IRTCL Include files, libraries, programs, etc. INCLDIR=$(ROOTDIR) # our includes LIBDIR=$(ROOTDIR)\lib # We produce .lib, .exp etc there BINDIR=$(ROOTDIR)\bin # We produce exes and dlls there WINDIR=$(ROOTDIR)\win # all these Win make things OBJDIR=$(WINDIR)\obj # where we store intermediate files UNIXDIR=$(ROOTDIR)\unix # corresponding unix things SRCDIR=$(ROOTDIR) # for the case we move them under src # Force temp files in a local temp, easier to clean # when nmake crashes and leaves a lot of rubbish behind TMPDIR=$(ROOTDIR)\win\tmp TMP=$(TMPDIR) TEMP=$(TMPDIR) ########################################################### ############### Targets - what to make ########################################################### IRTCLDLL=$(BINDIR)\irtcl.dll irtcl : $(IRTCLDLL) ########################################################### ############### Compiler and linker options ########################################################### ### C and CPP compiler (the same thing) # Note: $(CPP) has already been defined in the environment # (if you set things up right!) COMMON_C_OPTIONS= \ /nologo \ /W3 /EHsc /FD /c \ /D "WIN32" \ /D "_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" \ /D "IR_TCL_VERSION=\"$(VERSION)\"" \ /D USE_TCL_STUBS=1 \ /FR"$(OBJDIR)\\" \ /Fo"$(OBJDIR)\\" \ /Fd"$(OBJDIR)\\" COMMON_C_INCLUDES= \ /I"$(SRCDIR)" \ /I"$(YAZINCL)" \ /I"$(TCLINCL)" \ DEBUG_C_OPTIONS= \ /D "_DEBUG" \ /MDd /Od /YX /Zi /Gm RELEASE_C_OPTIONS= \ /D "NDEBUG" \ /MD /O2 # /W3 = warning level # /GX = Enable exception handling # /FD = Generate file dependencies (what ever they are) # /c = compile without linking # /FR = Generate browse info (.sbr file that gets combined into .bsc) # /Fo = object file name (or at least path) # /Fd = debug database name (or path) # /MD = Runtime library: Multithread DLL # /MDd = Runtime library: Multithread DLL (debug) # /Od = Disable optimising (debug) # /O2 = Optimize for speed # /YX = Automatic use of precomipled headers # /Gm = Minimal rebuild (some cpp class stuff) # /Zi = Program database for debuggers # /ZI = Pgm database with special "edit&continue" stuff - not available in C5 ### Linker options LINK=link.exe LINK_LIBS= kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib \ comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib \ oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib \ wsock32.lib advapi32.lib COMMON_LNK_OPTIONS= \ /machine:i386 \ /incremental:no DEBUG_LNK_OPTIONS= /debug RELEASE_LNK_OPTIONS= /pdb:none IRTCL_LINK_OPTIONS = /dll # Final opt variables !if $(DEBUG) COPT= $(COMMON_C_OPTIONS) $(DEBUG_C_OPTIONS) $(COMMON_C_INCLUDES) MTLOPT= $(COMMON_MTL_OPTIONS) $(DEBUG_MTL_OPTIONS) RCOPT= $(COMMON_RC_OPTIONS) $(DEBUG_RC_OPTIONS) LNKOPT= $(COMMON_LNK_OPTIONS) $(DEBUG_LNK_OPTIONS) $(LNK_LIBS) !else COPT= $(COMMON_C_OPTIONS) $(RELEASE_C_OPTIONS) $(COMMON_C_INCLUDES) MTLOPT= $(COMMON_MTL_OPTIONS) $(RELEASE_MTL_OPTIONS) RCOPT= $(COMMON_RC_OPTIONS) $(RELEASE_RC_OPTIONS) LNKOPT= $(COMMON_LNK_OPTIONS) $(RELEASE_LNK_OPTIONS) $(LNK_LIBS) !endif ########################################################### ############### Source and object modules ########################################################### # Note: Ordinary source files are not specified here at # all, make finds them in suitable dirs. The object modules # need to be specified, though IRTCL_OBJS = \ $(OBJDIR)\ir-tcl.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\grs.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\explain.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\marc.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\mem.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\queue.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\select.obj ALL_OBJS=$(IRTCL_OBJS) ########################################################### ############### Compiling ########################################################### # Note: This defines where to look for the necessary # source files. Funny way of doing it, but it works. {$(SRCDIR)}.cpp{$(OBJDIR)}.obj: $(CPP) $(COPT) $< {$(SRCDIR)}.c{$(OBJDIR)}.obj: $(CPP) $(COPT) $< ########################################################### ############### Resources ########################################################### ### The RC compiler (resource files) RSC=rc.exe COMMON_RC_OPTIONS= /l 0x406 /i"$(ROOTDIR)" DEBUG_RC_OPTIONS=/d "_DEBUG" RELEASE_RC_OPTIONS=/d "NDEBUG" RES=$(OBJDIR)\irtcl.res RC=$(WINDIR)\irtcl.rc !if $(DEBUG) RSOPT=/d_DEBUG !else RSOPT=/d_NDEBUG !endif $(RES): $(RC) $(RSC) $(RSOPT) /fo"$(RES)" $(RC) ########################################################### ############### Linking ########################################################### $(IRTCLDLL) : "$(BINDIR)" $(IRTCL_OBJS) $(RES) @echo Linking irtcl DLL $(IRTCLDLL) $(LINK) $(IRTCL_LINK_OPTIONS) @<< /nologo $(IRTCL_OBJS) $(RES) /out:"$(IRTCLDLL)" "$(YAZLIB)" "$(TCLLIB)" << ########################################################### ############### Special operations ########################################################### ############## clean clean: -del $(OBJDIR)\*.obj -del $(OBJDIR)\*.sbr -del $(TMPDIR)\*. -del $(IRTCLDLL) # Because DOS del will only accept one file name to delete, # the _H_ files work only on sets that have just one file. # Z3950_H_FILES had to be spelled out. One more point for MS! ########### check directories and create if needed dirs: $(OBJDIR) $(WINDIR) $(LIBDIR) $(BINDIR) $(TMPDIR) $(OBJDIR) $(WINDIR) $(LIBDIR) $(BINDIR) $(TMPDIR): if not exist "$@/$(NUL)" mkdir "$@" ########################################################### ############### Explicit dependencies ########################################################### $(ALL_OBJS): makefile # force recompilation of everything, if makefile changed ########################################################### ############### Log ########################################################### # # $Log: makefile,v $ # Revision 1.6 2006-05-01 12:42:44 adam # Update for VS 2005. # Version 1.4.3. # # Revision 1.5 2004/04/26 09:31:00 adam # Update for 1.4.2 # # Revision 1.4 2003/03/05 22:06:32 adam # TclStubs on WIN32 # # Revision 1.3 2003/01/30 13:27:07 adam # Changed version to 1.4.1. Added WIN32 version resource. # IrTcl ignores unexpected PDU's, rather than die. # # Revision 1.2 2001/12/03 00:31:06 adam # Towards 1.4. Configure updates. # # Revision 1.1 1999/09/10 10:02:29 adam # Added MS NMAKE files - removed project files. #