1 # $Id: IRSpy.pm,v 1.16 2006-09-20 16:12:56 mike Exp $
8 use ZOOM::IRSpy::Record;
12 our $VERSION = '0.02';
16 ZOOM::IRSpy - Perl extension for discovering and analysing IR services
21 $spy = new ZOOM::IRSpy("target/string/for/irspy/database");
22 print $spy->report_status();
26 This module exists to implement the IRspy program, which discovers,
27 analyses and monitors IR servers implementing the Z39.50 and SRU/W
28 protocols. It is a successor to the ZSpy program.
33 ZOOM::Log::mask_str("irspy");
34 ZOOM::Log::mask_str("irspy_test");
35 ZOOM::Log::mask_str("irspy_debug");
40 my($dbname, $user, $password) = @_;
43 push @options, (user => $user, password => $password)
46 my $conn = new ZOOM::Connection($dbname, 0, @options)
47 or die "$0: can't connection to IRSpy database 'dbname'";
51 allrecords => 1, # unless overridden by targets()
52 query => undef, # filled in later
53 targets => undef, # filled in later
54 target2record => undef, # filled in later
55 pod => undef, # filled in later
56 tests => [], # stack of tests currently being executed
58 $this->log("irspy", "starting up with database '$dbname'");
70 # Explicitly nominate a set of targets to check, overriding the
71 # default which is to re-check everything in the database. Each
72 # target already in the database results in the existing record being
73 # updated; each new target causes a new record to be added.
79 $this->log("irspy", "setting explicit list of targets '$targetList'");
80 $this->{allrecords} = 0;
81 my @targets = grep { $_ ne "" } split /\s+/, $targetList;
83 foreach my $target (@targets) {
84 my($host, $port, $db, $newtarget) = _parse_target_string($target);
85 if ($newtarget ne $target) {
86 $this->log("irspy_debug", "rewriting '$target' to '$newtarget'");
87 $target = $newtarget; # This written through the ref
90 (qq[(host = "$host" and port = "$port" and path="$db")]);
93 $this->{targets} = \@targets;
94 $this->{query} = join(" or ", @qlist);
98 # Also used by ZOOM::IRSpy::Record
99 sub _parse_target_string {
102 my($host, $port, $db) = ($target =~ /(.*?):(.*?)\/(.*)/);
103 if (!defined $host) {
105 ($host, $db) = ($target =~ /(.*?)\/(.*)/);
106 $target = "$host:$port/$db";
108 die "$0: invalid target string '$target'"
111 return ($host, $port, $db, $target);
115 # There are two cases.
117 # 1. A specific set of targets is nominated on the command line.
118 # - Records must be fetched for those targets that are in the DB
119 # - New, empty records must be made for those that are not.
120 # - Updated records written to the DB may or may not be new.
122 # 2. All records in the database are to be checked.
123 # - Records must be fetched for all targets in the DB
124 # - Updated records written to the DB may not be new.
126 # That's all -- what could be simpler?
132 if ($this->{allrecords}) {
133 # We need to check on every target in the database, which
134 # means we need to do a "find all". According to the BIB-1
135 # semantics document at
136 # http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/bib1.html
138 # @attr 2=103 @attr 1=1035 x
139 # should find all records, but it seems that Zebra doesn't
140 # support this. Furthermore, when using the "alvis" filter
141 # (as we do for IRSpy) it doesn't support the use of any BIB-1
142 # access point -- not even 1035 "everywhere" -- so instead we
143 # hack together a search that we know will find all records.
144 $this->{query} = "port=?*";
146 # Prepopulate the target map with nulls so that after we fill
147 # in what we can from the database query, we know which target
148 # IDs we need new records for.
149 foreach my $target (@{ $this->{targets} }) {
150 $target2record{lc($target)} = undef;
154 my $rs = $this->{conn}->search(new ZOOM::Query::CQL($this->{query}));
155 #print "size='", $rs->size(), "'\n";
156 foreach my $i (1 .. $rs->size()) {
157 my $target = _render_record($rs, $i-1, "id");
158 my $zeerex = _render_record($rs, $i-1, "zeerex");
159 #print STDERR "making '$target' record with '$zeerex'\n";
160 $target2record{lc($target)} =
161 new ZOOM::IRSpy::Record($target, $zeerex);
162 push @{ $this->{targets} }, $target
163 if $this->{allrecords};
166 foreach my $target (keys %target2record) {
167 my $record = $target2record{$target};
168 if (!defined $record) {
169 $this->log("irspy_debug", "made new record for '$target'");
170 #print STDERR "making '$target' record without zeerex\n";
171 $target2record{$target} = new ZOOM::IRSpy::Record($target);
173 $this->log("irspy_debug", "using existing record for '$target'");
177 $this->{target2record} = \%target2record;
178 $this->{pod} = new ZOOM::Pod(@{ $this->{targets} });
179 delete $this->{targets}; # The information is now in the Pod.
180 delete $this->{query}; # Not needed at all
185 my($rs, $which, $elementSetName) = @_;
187 # There is a slight race condition here on the element-set name,
188 # but it shouldn't be a problem as this is (currently) only called
189 # from parts of the program that run single-threaded.
190 my $old = $rs->option(elementSetName => $elementSetName);
191 my $rec = $rs->record($which);
192 $rs->option(elementSetName => $old);
194 return $rec->render();
199 # 0 all tests successfully run
200 # 1 some tests skipped
205 my $res = $this->_run_test("Main");
206 foreach my $target (sort keys %{ $this->{target2record} }) {
207 my $rec = $this->{target2record}->{$target};
208 # Write record back to database
209 my $p = $this->{conn}->package();
210 $p->option(action => "specialUpdate");
211 my $xml = $rec->{zeerex}->toString();
212 $p->option(record => $xml);
216 $p = $this->{conn}->package();
223 print "Updated with xml=<br/>\n<pre>$xml</pre>\n";
235 die("$0: test-hierarchy loop detected: " .
236 join(" -> ", @{ $this->{tests} }, $tname))
237 if grep { $_ eq $tname } @{ $this->{tests} };
240 my $slashSeperatedTname = $tname;
241 $slashSeperatedTname =~ s/::/\//g;
242 require "ZOOM/IRSpy/Test/$slashSeperatedTname.pm";
244 $this->log("warn", "can't load test '$tname': skipping",
245 $@ =~ /^Can.t locate/ ? () : " ($@)");
249 $this->log("irspy", "running test '$tname'");
250 push @{ $this->{tests} }, $tname;
251 my $test = "ZOOM::IRSpy::Test::$tname"->new($this);
252 my $res =$test->run();
253 pop @{ $this->{tests} };
258 # Access methods for the use of Test modules
268 if (ref($target) && $target->isa("ZOOM::Connection")) {
269 # Can be called with a Connection instead of a target-name
271 $target = $conn->option("host");
274 return $this->{target2record}->{lc($target)};
278 # Utility method, really nothing to do with IRSpy
283 my($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime($time);
284 return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d",
285 $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
293 The ZOOM-Perl module,
294 http://search.cpan.org/~mirk/Net-Z3950-ZOOM/
297 http://indexdata.com/zebra/
301 Mike Taylor, E<lt>mike@indexdata.comE<gt>
305 Copyright (C) 2006 by Index Data ApS.
307 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
308 it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.7 or,
309 at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.