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[pazpar2-moved-to-github.git] / doc / pazpar2_play.xml
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11 <refentry id="pazpar2_play">
12  <refentryinfo>
13   <productname>Pazpar2_play</productname>
14   <productnumber>&version;</productnumber>
15   <info><orgname>Index Data</orgname></info>
16  </refentryinfo>
18  <refmeta>
19   <refentrytitle>Pazpar2_play</refentrytitle>
20   <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
21   <refmiscinfo class="manual">User Commands</refmiscinfo>
22  </refmeta>
23  <refnamediv>
24   <refname>pazpar2_play</refname>
25   <refpurpose>Play recorded HTTP log against pazpar2</refpurpose>
26  </refnamediv>
27  <refsynopsisdiv>
28   <cmdsynopsis>
29    <command>pazpar2_play</command>
30    <arg choice="opt"><option>-v <replaceable>level</replaceable></option></arg>
31    <arg choice="opt">file</arg>
32    <arg choice="opt">server-addr</arg>
33   </cmdsynopsis>
34  </refsynopsisdiv>
35  <refsect1>
36   <title>DESCRIPTION</title>
37   <para>
38    <command>pazpar2_play</command> is a utility that plays recorded
39    HTTP activity against pazpar2. Pazpar2 may record activity to a file
40    with option -R. This utilility allows you to play the activity again
41    against pazpar2. Pazpar2 must use predictable sessions in order for this
42    to work. This means that either Pazpar2 should be executed with option -R
43    or with debug mode (-X).
44   </para>
45  </refsect1>
46  <refsect1>
47   <title>OPTIONS</title>
48   <variablelist>
49    <varlistentry>
50     <term><option>-v <replaceable>level</replaceable></option></term>
51     <listitem>
52      <para>
53       Sets log level (YAZ log level system).
54      </para>
55     </listitem>
56    </varlistentry>
57   </variablelist>
58  </refsect1>
59  <refsect1>
60   <title>EXAMPLES</title>
61   <para>
62    Typical usage. First step is to enable recording in pazpar2.
63    Something like:
64    <screen>
65     pazpar2 -f config.xml -R /tmp/recording.log
66    </screen>
67    For RPM version of Pazpar2, add/modify
68    <filename>/etc/sysconfig/pazpar2</filename> and modify OPTIONS.
69    For Debian version of Pazpar2 add/modify
70    <filename>/etc/defaults/pazpar2</filename> and modify OPTIONS.
71   </para>
72   <para>
73    At some point we want to run recording.. Perhaps against another
74    Pazpar2 instance for analysis. We start Pazpar2 with -R- to ensure
75    that sessions are numbered in the same way initial recording.
76    <screen>
77     pazpar2 -f config.xml -R -
78    </screen>
79    We can now run the player against it:
80    <screen>
81     pazpar2_play /tmp/recording.log localhost:9004
82    </screen>
83   </para>
84  </refsect1>
85  <refsect1>
86   <title>SEE ALSO</title>
87   <para>
88    Pazpar2 daemon:
89    <citerefentry>
90     <refentrytitle>pazpar2</refentrytitle>
91     <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
92    </citerefentry>
93   </para>
94  </refsect1>
96 </refentry>
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