Using JAVA_HOME to determine jni.h location.
[yaz4j-moved-to-github.git] / build.xml
1 <project name="yaz4j" default="compile" basedir=".">\r
2 \r
3   <description>Build the java side of Yaz4J</description>\r
4 \r
5   <property name="version" value="0.9.3"/>      \r
6   <property name="src" location="src"/>\r
7   <property name="bin" location="bin"/>\r
8   <property name="distributions"  location="distributions"/>\r
9         \r
10   <path id="project.classpath">\r
11     <pathelement location="${bin}"/>\r
12   </path>\r
13 \r
14   <target name="init">\r
15     <mkdir dir="${bin}"/>\r
16   </target>\r
17 \r
18   <target name="compile" depends="init" description="compile the source">\r
19     <javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${bin}">\r
20        <classpath refid="project.classpath"/>\r
21     </javac>\r
22   </target>\r
23 \r
24   <target name="build-dist" depends="compile" description="generate the distribution">\r
25     <mkdir dir="${distributions}/${version}"/>\r
26     <jar jarfile="${distributions}/${version}/yaz4j.jar" basedir="${bin}">\r
27       <manifest>\r
28         <attribute name="Version" value="${version}"/>\r
29         <attribute name="Author" value="Talis Information Ltd"/>\r
30         <attribute name="About" value="Java wrapper for the ZOOM API of YAZ"/>\r
31         <attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.yaz4j.Yaz4jMain"/>\r
32       </manifest>\r
33     </jar>\r
34     <copy file="libyaz4j/lib/" tofile="${distributions}/${version}/"/>\r
35     <copy file="dependencies/yaz-2.1.28/lib/" tofile="${distributions}/${version}/"/>\r
36   </target>\r
37 \r
38   <target name="clean" description="clean up" >\r
39     <!-- Delete various paths as part of the clean trees -->\r
40     <delete dir="${bin}"/>\r
41     <!-- delete dir="${distributions}/${version}"/ -->\r
42   </target>\r
43 \r
44 </project>\r