-<!-- $Id: tools.xml,v 1.26 2003-06-20 10:18:05 adam Exp $ -->
+<!-- $Id: tools.xml,v 1.27 2003-07-11 09:51:13 mike Exp $ -->
<chapter id="tools"><title>Supporting Tools</title>
+ Three utility functions are provided for translating OIDs'
+ symbolic names (e.g. <literal>Usmarc</literal> into OID structures
+ (int arrays) and strings containing the OID in dotted notation
+ (e.g. <literal>1.2.840.10003.9.5.1</literal>). They are:
+ </para>
+ <screen>
+ int *oid_name_to_oid(oid_class oclass, const char *name, int *oid);
+ char *oid_to_dotstring(const int *oid, char *oidbuf);
+ char *oid_name_to_dotstring(oid_class oclass, const char *name, char *oidbuf);
+ </screen>
+ <para>
+ <literal>oid_name_to_oid()</literal>
+ translates the specified symbolic <literal>name</literal>,
+ interpreted as being of class <literal>oclass</literal>. (The
+ class must be specified as many symbolic names exist within
+ multiple classes - for example, <literal>Zthes</literal> is the
+ symbolic name of an attribute set, a schema and a tag-set.) The
+ sequence of integers representing the OID is written into the
+ area <literal>oid</literal> provided by the caller; it is the
+ caller's responsibility to ensure that this area is large enough
+ to contain the translated OID. As a convenience, the address of
+ the buffer (i.e. the value of <literal>oid</literal>) is
+ returned.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <literal>oid_to_dotstring()</literal>
+ Translates the int-array <literal>oid</literal> into a dotted
+ string which is written into the area <literal>oidbuf</literal>
+ supplied by the caller; it is the caller's responsibility to
+ ensure that this area is large enough. The address of the buffer
+ is returned.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <literal>oid_name_to_dotstring()</literal>
+ combines the previous two functions to derive a dotted string
+ representing the OID specified by <literal>oclass</literal> and
+ <literal>name</literal>, writing it into the buffer passed as
+ <literal>oidbuf</literal> and returning its address.
+ </para>
+ <para>
Finally, the module provides the following utility functions, whose
meaning should be obvious: