+-- 1.5.3 2011/02/18
+- Fix for threaded runs:
+Client now have a copy of the database URL,
+which can used after the database has been release from the client.
+This makes the logging in the connection idle timeout of the client nicer (no NOURL)
+and should be thread-safe.
+- tmarc.xsl:
+Add journal-title-abbrev and full text.
+- cf.xsl
+New fields: isbn, issn, journaltitle, volume, issue
+- Fix for cmd=record before search.
+- Session Logging clean up
+- Fix: wrong termlist factor when maxrecs is different from 100.
-- 1.5.2 2011/01/18
- Missing pz:termlist_term_factor in settings.c messed up pz:preferred
# Autoconf and automake setup