--- /dev/null
+ whitepaper.html whitepaper.odt whitepaper.pdf
+# Default rule when "make" is invoked without a target
+**default**: README.html whitepaper.html
+all: $(DOCS)
+# For a description of pandoc's markdown format, see:
+# http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/demo/example9/pandocs-markdown.html -->
+# for older pandoc (<1.9) run first:
+# perl -i.bak -npe 's/"(Authors|Subjects)": "(.*?)"/"$1": "test"/' tools/htdocs/whitepaper.markdown
+%.html: %.markdown
+ rm -f $@
+ pandoc --standalone --toc -c mkws-doc.css $< | sed '/^<col width="[0-9]*%" \/>$//d' > $@
+ chmod ugo-w $@
+%.odt: %.markdown
+ rm -f $@
+ pandoc --standalone $< -o $@
+ chmod ugo-w $@
+# ### In order to compile the whitepaper, which has tables, to PDF,
+# you will need to install the Debian package
+# texlive-latex-recommended
+%.pdf: %.markdown
+ rm -f $@
+ pandoc --standalone $< -o $@
+ chmod ugo-w $@
+ rm -f $(DOCS)