describe("Show record", function () {
var record_number = 1; // the Nth record in hit list
it("show record author", function () {
- $("div.mkwsRecords div.record:nth-child(" + record_number + ") a").trigger("click");
+ // make sure we have a link.
+ var linkaddr = "div.mkwsRecords div.record:nth-child(1) a";
+ var waitcount = 0;
+ waitsFor(function() {
+ waitcount++;
+ debug("waiting for the link " + waitcount + " " + $(linkaddr) +
+ " =" + $(linkaddr).length + " " + $(linkaddr).text() );
+ return ( $(linkaddr).length >0 );
+ }, "wait until we see a link", 1 * jasmine_config.second);
+ runs(function(){
+ var link = $(linkaddr);
+ debug("== waited (" + waitcount + ") for the link..." + $(linkaddr) +
+ " =" + $(linkaddr).length + " " + $(linkaddr).text() );
+ expect(link.length).toBe(1);
+ link.trigger("click");
+ });
// wait until the record pops up
waitsFor(function () {
var show = $("div.mkwsRecords div.record:nth-child(" + record_number + ") div");